
Hidtma Ecomar has premises of 500 m2, which as well as hosting the administrative and technical offices, also include the company laboratory.

The laboratory was conceived with two lines of action:

  • Physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of waters, sediments and marine organisms.

  • Taxonomic analysis of marine species.

The Hidtma Ecomar laboratory was conceived with the intention of providing our clients with human resource and material specialists in the analysis of marine waters and sediments; capable of assuming the responsibility of satisfying any requirement with maximum rigour.

The documentary and bibliographic fund is a dynamic tool, so there is a database of great importance when it comes to applying the latest methodological advances and knowledge upon different environmental parameters within the marine environment.

Hidtma Ecomar has signed collaboration agreements aimed at ensuring continued training and calibration of methods, of enormous interest for laboratory training. Of note are those established with:

  • Department of Applied Ecology, ETSCCyP, Polytechnic University of Valencia
  • Marine Science Faculty, Catholic University of Valencia – San Vicente Mártir

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